3 Reasons why Small and Medium Recruitment Business Needs an Applicant Tracking System

3 Reasons why Small and Medium Recruitment Business Needs an Applicant Tracking System

Are you a small and medium recruitment firm with the fist of recruiters? Unable to source the right talent on time? Not able to announce jobs due to lack of enough resources? Is your recruitment business turned into the worst nightmare?
To overcome your recruitment nightmare here is your one-stop solution: “Applicant Tracking System”. You don’t want to refrain yourself from posting job vacancies on the job boards that you cannot manage efficiently. As an employer, you never like to wait for a right candidate to reach out to you with their profile. If you’re running a recruitment business, you don’t want to feel overwhelmed and procrastinated by the amount of work to manage your internal recruitment team. Your client satisfaction and retention are very important for your recruitment business. You don’t want to miss the deadline for a job vacancy that is committed to the client. Wait no more, choose the right Applicant Tracking System for your hiring needs.
An Applicant Tracking System is a centralized software that makes it easy for small and medium businesses to post jobs, source candidates, communicate between the internal teams, clients, vendors, and candidates, and close the job vacancies on time by finding the right candidates for the jobs. Everything from identifying the profiles to selecting the candidates for the jobs can be organized efficiently using Applicant Tracking System. Let’s have a spotlight on the 3 reasons why small and medium businesses need an Applicant Tracking System.

1. Difficulty in Posting Jobs on Different Job Boards

Posting a job is the foremost reason why SMBs need an Applicant Tracking System. The job posting is a process of announcing the job vacancies on various channels like job boards and social media to reach out to candidates from a specific geographical location to anywhere in the world. But job posting is not as simple as it sounds. It involves too many hassles. Recruiters have to log-in to each job board every time when there is a need to post a job, as well as they must keep in track of all the jobs that are posted till date in all the job boards, maintain the freshness of the job post and the quota in each job board. Most job boards do not offer simultaneous login for more than one recruiter with a single subscribed credential. If your hiring needs require a team of recruiters, your job subscription costs will surge drastically. These are the challenges that can make the hiring needs of any firm go through various hassles while publishing a job, and it is most likely for a recruitment firm to lose a business opportunity.
Applicant Tracking Systems like Talent Pathway takes care of all the hassles and helps you publish jobs on various job boards and your company’s career page with a click of a button. The applicant tracking system enables you to save the single subscribed credential of the job boards in the ATS settings page and lets your team of recruiters post the jobs simultaneously at the same time without the hassle to log-in various job boards. It also keeps in track of the job posting quota limit set by different job boards and triggers an alert to replace the old job post to maintain the freshness of the jobs.

2. Difficulty in Sourcing and Submitting Candidate from Various Sources

Another notable reason why SMBs need an Applicant Tracking System is the time and effort saved by a recruiter when dealing with the dire requirement for candidate sourcing. If you are a recruiter, you would agree more that candidate sourcing is a daunting task that involves searching various job boards, examining every profile and finalizing the matching candidate profile for a job. Most job boards cost you for every click of a candidate profile which means if you want to view the same profile more than one time it will cost you more money. Think about a situation where one profile is viewed on an average for three times by ten recruiters, you can work out the math for the surge in cost. A recruiter is also required to keep track of all the profiles received in their Inbox from the referrals. This is a time consuming, inefficient and stressful process for any recruiter which may lead to missing out right profiles on the right time.
Applicant tracking system, on the other hand, allows you to get relevant profiles from different job boards without having to go to the individual job boards. ATS facilitates you to quickly sift through thousands of profiles with just a few clicks.
ATS like Talent Pathway comes with an integrated search and filter tool that not only allows you to get candidate profiles by not having to go to the various job boards but also provides an option to add those profiles to the ATS that becomes your internal candidate pool. Your recruitment businesses can take advantage of Talent Pathway's out of the box API integration with the top-notch Job Boards in the market for candidates search in one place and you can add candidate profiles from those job boards to the ATS in a single click. This allows you to view one candidate profile an innumerable number of times by any number of recruiters.
Further, Talent Pathway’s intelligent resume parsing feature scans the resume files, extracts the candidate details automatically, and allows you to add the candidate details in the ATS. This makes the process of candidate sourcing and mining much easier and helps you to build your own database of candidate profiles. Talent Pathway ATS also helps you to import resumes that you receive in your inbox using Outlook and Gmail add-ons. With Talent Pathway ATS, you can even initiate emails on predefined, customizable templates to submit a candidate profile to the client or to get approval from candidates to process the candidature for the job opportunity.

3. Difficulty in Managing Clients Records

The important area of concern for any business is the proper data management of their clients. An ATS is a more reliable, scalable and resilient solution for a recruitment firm than using an excel sheet which is commonly used to save client data by many firms in this modern world. Though excel sheet has many advantages, it is still not appropriate to meet the database needs of the recruitment business. With excel sheets, there is a possibility to have duplicate data, different versions of the same sheet and the file may get deleted irretrievably when more than one user have access to the same excel sheet. It is never easy to maintain accurate client details in an excel sheet, especially in a situation where the client frequently introduces new contact information. These may lead to chaos when sending business emails to the client and it may make recruiters life awful.
ATS like Talent Pathway can help you track and manage every detail of your client including the point of contact, agreements, contracts, invoices, and payments with a high rate of accuracy. With Talent pathway, you can have a check on the number of opportunities from each client, track the conversation you had through email, create notes on the outcome of your communication with the client and track other relevant activities. Talent Pathway enables you to have a complete insight on every recruitment activity. A minor update in the record directly reflects in every relevant record in the ATS. Such as, if a candidate is submitted for a particular job, the details will be directly updated in the client record who has raised the job opportunity. If a new job opportunity from an existing client is added in the ATS, then that client record is updated with one more job opportunity in addition to the existing one ensuring zero data redundancy.

How Talent Pathway can Help SMBs in their Recruitment business?

Talent Pathway is a complete applicant tracking system specifically designed to help small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) to thrive successfully in the modern world of recruitment. Talent Pathway is a solution for every recruitment challenge that SMBs usually face while posting a job, sourcing a candidate, submitting a candidate and managing the client details. Talent Pathway will prove to be a true partner and a competitive advantage for every SMBs recruitment success.


  1. Applicant tracking system refers to the software application that manages all the recruitment and hiring process. The main focus of the software is to speed up the hiring process.The rising demand for cost efficient hiring tools is driving the market growth. Emergence of social media platform is fueling the market growth. See More @ https://www.valuemarketresearch.com/report/applicant-tracking-system-market

  2. Nice post!
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